Join the Booster Club

Scan the QR Code to access the PayPal link for Booster Club Dues - $120

The purpose of the Booster Club:

1. Fundraising for and purchasing property and services to be used by the students and faculty of The Woodlands College Park High School.

2. Providing volunteers for tennis, charitable, civic and educational activities at TWCPHS and in the community.


The purpose of the Booster Club is to:

1. Fundraising for and purchasing property and services to be used by the students and faculty of The Woodlands College Park High School.

2. Providing volunteers for tennis, charitable, civic and educational activities at TWCPHS and in the community.

Booster Club Officers

President Valerie Behne 713.854.8661 Email  

VP- Secretary Kristi Lower 903.277.5529 Email

VP- Treasurer Brandy Wojciuch 314.852.6219 Email

VP- Fundraising Vacant

VP-Media Relations Vacant

Photographer Vacant